The Unstuck Life: Love Your Life

What is the Unstuck Life?

What does is mean to live the unstuck life? Simply put, it means to love the life you live. To wake up each day excited because you cannot wait for what lies ahead because what you do matters to you. It is your passion. It is your joy. You don’t do it because you have to. You do it because you want to. The unstuck life is a life that is lived with intentional passion and purpose.

The problem is, before you can get unstuck, you must first realize that you are stuck. Stuck in a rut. Stuck in a job you hate. Stuck in an unhealthy relationship. Stuck in debt. Stuck under an extra 20 pounds. The list is endless. In fact, being stuck can mean different things to each of us. However, most of the time, we don’t even know we are stuck. We just exist. We settle for getting by. But what if we didn’t have to settle? What if instead of deciding on getting by, we decided to thrive?

Awareness Is The First Step

The first key to getting unstuck is to become aware. Have you ever watched the movie, Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray? In the film, Bill Murry’s character finds himself stuck, living the same day over and over again. From the time the alarm goes off to the time that he goes to sleep, everything around him is the same. While Murray is stuck in an infinite loop, everyone else around him is blissfully unaware that they too are reliving the same day over and over. It is his awareness of being stuck that ultimately gives him the advantage.

How about you? Have you ever felt that one day is the same as the next? Is there a feeling of been there, done that, bought the t-shirt? Then perhaps you too are stuck. Still not quite sure? Okay, do you find yourself counting down the days until Friday, only to start feeling depressed halfway through Sunday because Monday is close at hand? That is what we call living for the weekend. Sure, it’s a catchy song by Loverboy, but it’s also a sign of being stuck. If you are living for the weekend, you are living for less than 60 hours out of 168 hours you are given in a week!! That is not good.

Take Action!

If you are in the category of those living for the 60 or so hours that the weekend offers you, what about the remaining 108 hours of the week? What are you doing with them? Most likely your answer is, just getting by. There is no shame in that. You are not alone. Actually, you have a lot of company in that boat you are in. But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you made those other 108 hours count too? It is possible.

Going back to the Groundhog Day reference for a moment. Do you remember how Bill Murray’s character used his time? At first, he viewed it as a curse. He would sit in his pajamas watching the same episode of Jeopardy over and over. But over the course of time, his perspective changed. He started to view the time as a gift. He used the gift of his extra time to learn how to play the piano and to become an ice sculpture. But even more importantly, he learned how to help others. One thing you will discover if you choose to take the journey to get unstuck is, helping others is key. Zig Ziglar put it best when he said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help others get what they want.”

Just think about what you could do with an extra 108 hours in a week. You could learn a new language, or develop a new skill. Maybe you could start a blog and share your talents while helping others. The possibilities are limitless!!! You just need to look inside yourself and discover what is waiting to jump out. It would be delusional to think that the journey to living the unstuck life is going to easy. Let’s face it, we didn’t get stuck overnight. So we probably won’t get unstuck overnight either. But one thing is for sure…it will be so worth it once you find that freedom.

Let’s Get Unstuck Together!

Remember earlier when I said that you are not alone? That is something you will need to keep reminding yourself. During the process, you will experience the highs that come with success and achievement. But the reality is that you will also experience the lows that come with setbacks and disappointments. That is just a part of it. In those moments, you will be tempted to give up and go back to the false comfort of the same old, same old. That is when you need a boost. That is when you need others that have been there, and may still be there to help pick you up and cheer you on. And just as you needed them, those people will need you to do the same for them when they fall.

That is why we would like to invite you to join our Unstuck Life Facebook Group. We need you to help us on our journey of getting unstuck. And in return, we would like to help you on yours. The group is a place for us stuck people to share ideas and resources that have helped us move closer to our dreams and goals. It is also a place where you can celebrate your achievements, and get the motivation and support you need when you experience a setback. In the world, there are plenty of people waiting to tell you that you are crazy for trying to live your dream. They will tell you that it is impossible or impractical. Maybe 20 years ago, but not today. Look around at all of the people getting paid to do what they love. THAT CAN BE YOU!!! We would love to share in your journey.

Join us today!!

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