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From Ordinary to Extraordinary
Hello, we are Candy and Tony. We are ordinary people who have gotten the chance to do extraordinary things. We have been VIP’s at major music festivals, in photo pits shooting some of the biggest bands in the world, we’ve been on the red carpet at a national film festival, and sat courtside at an NBA game. Oh yeah, and we did all for free! It’s not because we know all the right people, or have any type of inside connection. It is all because we decided to start a blog. We decided that we wanted to share our love of travel and music with others who feel the way we do. To put it simply, we wanted to connect.
Starting out, we had no idea how to start a blog. We certainly had no idea how to create a web site. So we started out knowing nothing about how to be bloggers, we just kind of figured it out as we went. After some time, and many mistakes, we started to find our way. And the strangest thing started to happen…people started to notice. Little by little, we generated a following. People actually cared about what we had to say. Before you know it, we found ourselves in all of the cool situations we mentioned earlier. How does this happen to normal people like us? We started a blog.
What To Blog About
It’s easy to be intimidated when thinking about the idea of how to start a blog. One of the biggest questions is, what to blog about? What am I going to talk about that people actually care about? The answer is probably easier than you think. Don’t overthink it. What makes you happy? What brings you joy? What are you passionate about? This is what you should be writing about. For us, it is travel and music. Maybe for you it’s sports or gardening. Or maybe it’s more specific. Maybe you have methods of parenting that could help out a struggling first time mom. Or perhaps you know all the ins and outs of the latest tech gadgets out there. Don’t you think someone in the market for a new camera or smart phone would love to have your insight? The ideas are limitless. What is that topic that when it comes up makes you light up and engage others in the room? That’s probably a good place to start. Still need some help, check out your social media feed. Do you notice any trends? Maybe that is a clue. If you look at our Facebook pages you will see pictures from our vacations and clips of bands playing. Not too hard to wonder why our niche is traveling to new places to check out music events.

Our Blog
So, we’ve already told you what we blog about, but how did we get here? It actually started 7 years ago. Tony is a huge music fan. If you need a useless music fact, he’s your guy. Tony realized that he was never going to join a band and move to L.A. to make it big, so he started a blog called The Music Room. It was only supposed to be a place to voice his opinions on music. But in a short time, he found himself being granted interviews with some of his favorite artists and we both were in the photo pits for concerts and music festivals. We are not bragging when we say we do not remember the last time we actually had to pay for a concert.
A couple of years ago we started thinking how cool it would be to travel to new destinations to see shows and cover the experience on a blog. A short time later, The Music Room Adventures was born. While we had a good grip on how to navigate the world of music, travel was something new altogether. We had to shift down a couple of gears to learn how to make this new idea work. Little did we know that our whole mindset would change. We found help that made us change the way we looked at our blogs. We realized that what we had been doing as a hobby in our free time, could actually be a money-making career. Making a living doing what we love…is that really a thing?

How To Start A Blog And Make Money
Up until a year ago, we figured things out by piecing advice together from lots of different sources. Some worked. Lot’s didn’t. For every good piece of advice we received, we probably received 10 or more pieces that weren’t. We found that there are lots of people, posing as experts, offering their services …for a price. We actually paid one group $100 to effectively get us banned on Instagram for almost a month.
But then we found game changing help when we discovered Heather and Pete Reese at a site called, It’s A Lovely Life. We came across Heather and Pete because they also do travel blogging. But while we were at the site we noticed that they were offering a free 5-Day E-mail course on how to start a money making blog. After all we had been through, we were skeptical. But the price was right and we were desperate to learn.
What we took out of that free 5 day course changed everything for us. It changed the way we looked at our blogs, and the way we looked at the future. Heather and Pete showed us that it is possible to make money with your blogs. Now we have to say, it is not a get rich quick type of deal. It requires work…hard work. It requires time…lot’s of time. But it also let’s you do what you love, and get paid for it!
We now want to share with you this game changing course…for free! The Starting A Blogging Business 5 Day Crash Course will help you start your blog the right way in 5 days. The course covers:
- Pick your niche
- Choose your domain name
- Setup your hosting
- Publish your first pages and blog post
- Choose a monetization plan
And, much, much more!
Click here or on the photo below to enroll to get started learning how to start a blog. We promise that you are in great hands with Heather and Pete. Our only regret is that we didn’t find them sooner. Then what you do with the information is up to you. You can start a blog to have some fun in your spare time, or you can start on the path to being your own boss with a money making blog. Either way, we can’t wait to see what you do!

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